DL T- Paneel
With the DL T-panels you save yourself the hassle of cutting miters and adjusting the profiles. The aluminum U-profile is already precisely incorporated. There are 4 variants to choose from. The painting and covering rubber to protect against dirt during processing is included in the delivery.
Maße Gipskarton: 600 x 400 x 12,5 mm
Maße Aluprofil 16,4 x 9,9 x 200 mm
Mal- und Abdeckgummi im Lieferumfang enthalten
Delivery and shipping costs details *
Currently no delivery date can be given.
Only pickup at our warehouse is possible!
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We ship this product to the following countries (pickup for EU citizens of all countrys possible):
Safety Instructions
Products can be sharp-edged and there is a risk of injury.
The product can release chips during processing.
Product may generate dust during processing.
Product may break/splinter under excessive bending or load.
LED Profilelement GmbH | Industriestraße 4 | 92360 Mühlhausen | Deutschland | info@ledprofilelement.deDL T-panel
Mit den T-Paneelen führst du Lichtlinien weiter, sowie 90° um die Ecke. Aufwändiges Gehrungsschneiden und Anpassen der Profile entfällt.
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